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grant money

Funding Opportunities

Summary updates of potential funding programs

Landscape Resiliency Program

The Oregon Dept. of Forestry is implementing an investment program to reduce wildfire risk on public and private forestlands and rangelands, within communities, and near homes and critical infrastructure with a focus on forest and rangeland restoration and landscape resiliency treatments. For further information please visit

Sustainable Northwest

Upper Klamath Basin Producer Resources

OrganizationContactRelevant WorkWebsite
Sustainable Northwest
Kelley Delpit, Klamath Basin Manager:

Facilitates landowner outreach and education to promote resiliency through participation in financially attractive conservation practices.

Sustainable Northwest
Energy Trust of Oregon
Brad Moore, Program Engineer:

Pays cash incentives for energy efficiency projects. Customers of Pacific Power can get cash incentives for a variety of irrigation equipment upgrades. Preapproval required for some upgrades; contact Brad before you purchase.

Energy Trust
Intermountain West Joint Venture
Ed Contreras, SONEC Conservation Delivery Coordinator:

Provides technical assistance, and can pursue funding avenues, for landowners and managers seeking to conserve wetlands and waterbird habitat.

Intermountain West
Klamath Farm Services Agency
Laura Hall, County Executive Director:

Provides producers with a strong safety net through the administration of farm commodity and disaster programs.

Klamath Lake Forest Health Partnership
Leigh Ann Vradenburg, Program Manager:

Facilitates restoration projects on public and private forestland in Klamath and Lake Counties through education, outreach, and diverse partnerships.

Klamath Lake Land Trust
Dawn Haight, Executive Director:

Acquires conservation easements, trail easements and fee land. Assists with restoration projects and helps educate the public about the environment.

Klamath NRCS
Josh Elke, District Conservationist:

Provides technical and financial assistance to private landowners to implement voluntary conservation and address prioritized resource concerns

Klamath SWCD
WillNatividad, Interim Conservation Manager:

Provides technical assistance, consultation, planning and education to the landowners and public to promote beneficial use of natural resources. Funds received are applied toward building plans with landowners to improve water availability and quality and soil health to improve agricultural operations as well as conservation of land.

Klamath Watershed Partnership
Bill Lehman, Executive Director:

Assists with forest health projects, irrigation efficiency improvements, wetland restoration, and upland watershed projects that are designed to benefit fisheries, farmers, and the regional economy.

Oregon Department of Agriculture
Todd Adams, Entomologist/Eastern Oregon Field Office Survey Coordinator; Grasshopper Program:

Coordinates grasshopper surveys and treatment reimbursement. All requests must be made on our online reporting form.

Oregon Department of Forestry
Jason Pettigrew, Stewardship Forester:

Provides support with fire protection and recovery, and forest resource management on private and public lands.

Oregon Watershed Enhancement Board
Amy Charette, Drought Program Coordinator

Several offerings for Klamath drought relief and resilience available fall of 2022 through June of 2023. Landowners must collaborate with an organization to apply for and receive funding.

Trout Unlimited
Nell Scott, Klamath Restoration Director:

Provides technical assistance and funding for voluntary restoration projects on private and public lands. Projects aim to improve fisheries and watershed health while maintaining agricultural viability.

USFWS: Partners Program
Brian Hidden, Private Lands Biologist:

Provides technical assistance and funding for restoration projects on private lands benefitting wildlife and agricultural operations.

Willamette Partnership
Barton Robison, Health and Outdoors Partner:

Provides technical assistance and funding to support collaborative problem solving in Oregon communities.

Willamette Partnership

Interested in becoming a member?

UKBAC members are Upper Klamath Basin landowners who are engaged in farming or ranching. They believe in farm/ranch resiliency and want to help find and benefit from solutions to our shared issues. There is no cost to become a member.